Monday 29 August 2011

Poetic devices in Poetry

!±8± Poetic devices in Poetry

Poetry has emotion, imagery, significance, beauty, dignity, rhythm, sometimes rhyme, a different arrangement which can include inversion, and concreteness in its images.

One way to attain the qualities so essential to making words poetic is through the use of poetry devices. We won't begin to cover all the known poetic devices or terms. Rather we'll discuss and use some of the more commonly known and used ones.

Below are the more commonly used poetic devices and terms. We hope that all the examples can better understand some of the ways in which poetry, and more poetic. The examples given are my poems and they are copyrighted in my name.

Devices of poetry (a large sample size):

Alliteration: The repetition of initial sounds.

Rain reigns around all day.

Anger rages from the sky

Partners talk with tears tormented

From clouds wondering why

Lightning tears their souls apart.

In the first twoLines, the r sound is repeated. In the third line p starts two adjoining words.

Allusion: a reference to someone or something random in history or literature that creates a mental image.

An ordinary woman

Helen of Troy, they do not,

Among the world through war,

But a woman wrapped in plain paper

With a heart of love still untapped

Wait, yearning for her destiny

If you know of a charger

Or, to go behind a garbage truck.

PerhapsInstead of a room of students

Lurking in the shadows of his life

The need to show their interest.

But we must also mention other concerns

No, no, Helen of Troy,

But a woman of the world to subdue

Wherever they are.

Helen of Troy brings to mind a woman so beautiful that two countries went to war over them.

Analogy: a comparison between two things explained to show how it is similar to the other.


The day dawns, asTravel.

First, a train leaving the station

Rushing past other places

Without a pause or stop,

Look at the faces blur through the window,

No time to say goodbye.

And the speed of the train

By the end of the line can be seen,

Another sunset down

No lasting memories.

The whole poem makes an analogy to compare a day and a train ride.

Caesura: the pausing or stopping in a line of poetry caused by the necessaryPunctuation.

Living, breathing apathy

Juices, energy, desire, interest,

They leave no desire to win.

All that remains are the ashes,

Ashes of what might have been.

Punctuation within the lines (in this case, all commas) are the turning point, not the punctuation at the end of lines.

enjambment: the continuation of the thought of a verse of a poem to the next without punctuation at the end of the previous line (n).

Looking through the eyes

OfWonder, joy,

The children see their world

With confidence, with hope

The only life will change.

Enjambment at the end of lines 1, 3 and 4 found, because the punctuation is not necessary in those places.

Hyperbole: extreme exaggeration effect.

Giants rising like mountains

High above dwarfs

Bring your gaze on a common basis

For no longer small heights.

Weapons of tree trunks wrapped

Comfort in the soft delicate

Unthoughtthe basis of size,

But the welcome in their strength.

Giants are not really as high as mountains, tree trunks are not weapons, but the use of exaggeration helps the image was created.

Metaphor, for example, the comparison of two unlike things, one is the other.

Sun, hope lights

Air flows from the store

Bringing smiles of warming grace

Such heavy loads easier.

Clouds are ships in full sail

Race across the sky blue of the sea.

Wind fills theCotton Canvas

Pushing them away from me.

In the first stanza, the sun is compared to hope, as compared to the second, the clouds and ships.

Metonymy: the substitution of a word to one in which they are intimately connected.

Scandals peep from every window,

They hide behind every hedge,

Wait pounce on the unwary,

While the White House creeps in awe.

White House is used in place of the president or the government, and readers to understandthat is, without exactly who that is directly addressed.

Onomatopoeia: the sound of what makes

Roaring through the pain

Caused by lightning flashes,

Thundering shouts: "Yeow BOOOOOM Craaaashhhh"

Then he mumbles, rumbling on its way.

Grrrr, echoing the cry of the lion

Through the jungle of the cave

Creatures that cause small

To rush into their holes.

Roaring, rumbling cry is, examples of onomatopoeia, but are verbs. Boooom,craaaashhh are examples onomatapoeia Yeow and grrrrr.

Oxymoron: The use of contradictory terms (together) for the effect.

Freezing heat of hate

Around the heart

Stall, killing kindness

Bringing destruction to departure.

Frost and heat are contradictory opposites, but the two together a mental picture.

Personification: the granting of human characteristics to nonhuman things are not capable of these properties.

He frowns and angergrowls,

Send bolts of fire from darkest night

This brings no gloss

Instead of seeing only black was added.

Frowning and snarling are human traits, can not experience anger, but it needs to function because of problems created from the images.

Parable, for example, the comparison of two unlike things, one is like one or the other.

Sun, as hope turns,

Flows from the heaven of heavens

Bringing smiles of warming grace

On breeze whispers like aSigh.

Clouds are like ships in full sail

Race across the sky blue of the sea.

Wind fills the cotton canvas

Pushing them away from me.

These two verses of poetry and metaphor are almost identical. Both metaphors and similes are comparisons of unlike things, but metaphor states one thing to another, as the parable says that one is like another, or the other.

Symbol: something that represents something other than themselves.

The dove with oliveBranch in its beak,

Slide across the country

Searching for a place to light.

Storms of war linger on every hand,

Throughout the Falcons not to fight.

The dove is a symbol of peace and the hawk is a symbol of war. With them in poetry is a painting, without explaining in detail.

Other terms:

Elegy: a poem of lament (extreme sadness, as caused by the death)

Free verse or a poem without a rhyme or a rhythm, rhyme even though they may be used,only without any reason.

Blank verse: un-rhymed lines of iambic pentameter (ten syllables with all the accented syllables also)

Images: The use of words to create a mental image

Mood: the emotional impact of a poem or story

The understanding and use of this equipment and the conditions can contribute to the strengthening and poetry. Imagery is essential for living the poetry, and the units in the development of visual language.

Poetic devices in Poetry

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Wednesday 24 August 2011

Top Ten tips for writing Professional Overview or Biography

!±8± Top Ten tips for writing Professional Overview or Biography

A professional biography or framework, outlines the background, experience and know-how is a necessity for every business. This often overlooked marketing tool is a great way you and your business prospects and potential strategic partners in this business. Could potentially open new opportunities for conference interviews, radio or TV, or print a feature article. While all the information about you and your business is usefulInformation in a well polished professional is presented can make a difference in how others perceive us. Consider these important points, such as your professional biography and crafts.

1 A page asking.

Your professional biography should be kept and a few paragraphs of a page or less. One side is ideal for the copy on the back of a leaflet or flyer. Several paragraphs aligned to the left make it easier to read and browse.

2 First, second, orthird person?

Always write his biography in third person. That is, to refer to themselves by entering your name or he / she deems appropriate. It looks more professional than it seems that someone else wrote the text. For example, "Alexandra was the New York Times, Forbes, Newsweek and Time Magazine labeled".

Business in brief 3.

Not only do readers want to know what you're doing, but they also want to know with whom you work - perhaps because they want to work with you! AProfessional biography should serve one or two sentences about your niche (or niches) and the type of client. A modified version of the 30-second elevator pitch might be perfect.

4 And the winner is ....

Make sure you have a list of awards, is important. Readers are interested in your talents and organizations that you know, for them.

Organizations 5.

Include names of organizations, associations orAssociations to which you belong. A reader might be of interest to see that they belong to the same professional association or group students are highlighted. In addition, these compounds could make some interesting and exciting business opportunities.

6 certifications and designations.

Add holds professional certifications or designations you. Make sure to write and use their full names, but abbreviations. Not everyone knows that CMAstands for Certified Management Accountant. Perhaps in another discipline, could be something else - as an analyst of certified materials. If the button is no longer a preference, but has an important role in who you are and what you played, do not hesitate to make a reference to it. For example, "Anna is a former Certified Data Processor and has spent the last ten years as a faculty member in addition to higher education mathematics from the University of Colorado at Boulder." Notare abbreviations for graduates like MBA, as it looks unprofessional. The only exception would be for a brand promotion.

Published 7?

Have you written articles, books, e-courses or e-book? Self-published or not, your work to your level of professionalism and credibility. Featured in your biography and you could earn additional royalties in the form of new customers, or other possibilities.

8 I have already told the media?

If you already have aHost of talk radio or television? Have you or your company or even present mentioned in a newspaper article? If so, readers want to know. Although this type of "other" to add credibility and presence.

9 calls at any time.

People who want to know about you, read his biography on this very reason. And when his powerful, rich, and contains information that is relevant, then you want. Include full contact information such as title(If available), name, address, telephone, fax, email and website address. They make it easy to retrieve information in last paragraph overview of your career.

10 Write, write, and do it again.

After writing his biography to modify, edit and edit again. You may need to make a dozen reviews so before you get it to work properly. Avoid extra words, use descriptive words, keep sentences short, but varies in length, and write in third person. Asksome friends to offer input as well. Be sure to regularly update your biography, to keep them up-to-date and refreshed.

Copyright 2004 by Tara Alexandra Kachaturoff.

Top Ten tips for writing Professional Overview or Biography

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Monday 15 August 2011

The effects of chocolate on emotions

!±8± The effects of chocolate on emotions

And 'common belief that chocolate is a mood elevator, although some people believe it causes headaches and migraines. Although it is generally accepted that chocolate affects our moods, the research on this still in liquid form. Each case is highly controversial. We discuss various ways that chocolate affects our moods and emotions, according to the current belief.

Chocolate affects us both negatively and positively. Some people, when they are sad ordepressed, experience a desire for chocolate. To eat chocolate that report that their mood is elevated and they feel better. This elevation in mood is temporary though and when the effect wears off, they returned to their previous state of mind.

Be attributed There are many health benefits of chocolate. And 'good for the heart. Increases the reactivity of blood vessels, which is useful for the prevention of heart disease. It also increases glucose tolerance.Chocolate also contains some substances that have an antioxidant effect. This is helpful in preventing cancer.

Chocolate is reported to cause headaches, obesity, rectal itching, heartburn, and emotional problems, such as irritability, confusion, anger and depression.

Chocolate is rich in carbohydrates, which increase the speed reaches, with the tryptophan in the brain. This increases the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates moods, creating a good feeling.

Thedependency properties of chocolate is also well documented. This is supported by the fact that some people when they try to abstain from alcohol, chocolate, to satisfy their cravings covered. This drug properties similar to caffeine, Anand amines, phenylethylamine and magnesium that are attributed to chocolate. The presence of caffeine and magnesium can contribute to a feeling of desire for chocolate. Ananadmides effects on the brain similar to marijuana, although research in this areastill under discussion.

There are over 350 chemicals in chocolate. Some of them can cause allergic reactions. Some scientists believe that phenylethylamine and theobromine could cause changes in mood. Phenylethylamine causes blood pressure and blood sugar to rise. It creates a feeling of alertness and contentment thus creating a feeling of wellbeing. But there was a brief period of high emotional over a period of low emotional intelligence is followed. Theobromine is found naturally in cocoaand acts as anti-depressants, but was known to be poisonous animals.

Eating chocolate can also lead to a feeling of fear. Phenylethylamine is said extension causes the blood vessels in the brain causing headaches. Although it is still questionable whether phenylethylamine reaches the brain.

An ounce of chocolate contains 20 mg of caffeine. Studies on the effects of caffeine have reported that caffeine can cause sleep problems, agitation, irritability, heartburn andFear. Headache caused by caffeine withdrawal, and fatigue.

Tyramine is another amino acid found in chocolate. It is uncertain whether a significant amount of tyramine reaches the brain, but it is known that causes blood vessels to expand and contract, causing severe headaches.

Women seem to want chocolate more than men, including diabetics. Some of these women reported that only chocolate and nothing could satisfy his craving. The presence ofMagnesium in chocolate can be for the fact that during the PMS (post-menstrual syndrome) increases the craving for chocolate in women, because in this period, a magnesium deficiency can occur accounts.

With all these conflicting information on the effects of chocolate on mood, you have to watch from their own experience and decide if the chocolate is right for one. But certainly, a large amount of chocolate are physically or emotionally effect one way or another.

The effects of chocolate on emotions

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License Plate Search - How to track online features

!±8± License Plate Search - How to track online features

You have a plaque or label license number, and you need to find the name and address of the owner of the vehicle? In this case, you may have noticed that there were no free online database of license plates.

Do not worry. There is still hope. If you conduct a reverse license plate search online requires the following are several ways to reach your goal.

The first method is to hire a private investigator. Find your local phone book and turnPages of private investigation. Make and receive prizes for the amount they need to perform a track plate. You can expect to pay $ 150 to $ 300 supplement to receive this service in your area.
The next method is to use a great online service as a private investigation or These services will give you $ 79 or more to search by license plate number. They are usually a combination of the following information: name, address,Date of registration and expiration, make and model of vehicle, chassis number, title number, lien holder name. These services can usually provide information for most U.S. states and Canadian provinces. Plate data for additional countries are also available depending on the service.
The third option is a private investigation tools membership service where you have access to databases and resources used by private investigators to join. These marks usually start at $ 29used to be $ 59 per year and will give you all kinds of people search databases with private access. This is a good choice if you are willing to work themselves, and want to save a bit 'of money. The disadvantage of this option is there are no guarantees that you can be successful in your search.As from the options above you can see, is not looking for something like a free license plate reverse. Received the only way I can do for free, if you have a law enforcement officer, who knowdoing the research for you (have access to all databases).

License Plate Search - How to track online features

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Tuesday 9 August 2011

Conversation starters, as if by magic

!±8± Conversation starters, as if by magic

Starting a conversation is one of the hardest parts of communication. Some conversations start easily, but others seem as if it's just hard work for them from the ground. A good idea, great ways to start a conversation will help you avoid problems the next time you try to start a conversation.

There are five basic things to start a conversation that eventually need to know how interesting and fun. The following table explains how and why they work. TryKeep in mind the next time you chose to start a conversation.

1 Do not drill them with questions.

The person that you should not talk about feeling as if they were in front of a firing squad. Do not keep firing questions at her without speaking to your feedback and made their own.

There is nothing worse than feeling like you are always the third degree. Too many questions quickly only if the other person feel uncomfortable and leave them on the search for a way outthe call before it even begins.

2 Be funny.

This is not the means you have to do a stand-up routine, but only to tell a funny story to break the ice. You will be surprised how sharing something funny that happened to you will let others are open for themselves. Everyone loves to laugh and laugh and make others feel good. This is a sure way to brighten tense and talk to people.

3 Ask open questions.

Open questions are questions that require morea simple yes or no. Open questions allow people to elaborate and this creates conversation. They are distinguished from the person and makes them part of a conversation.

Open questions in order to bring the growth of a call to answer questions with yes or no, that stunt the growth of voice calls. You can avoid unpleasant periods of silence that usually follow a series of yes or no questions.

4 Take the other person comfortable.

You can reallyPerson to speak when they talk to you pleased. Let me start arguments if you notice that seem uncomfortable. If you notice, seem distracted to ask if you do something to help. Maybe they really need to talk about something, but he will not.

You can make a total stranger into a friend, just by their sense of hearing what they say and that you are wondering what they mean. See also invading the personal space. Stay awayenough to give them breathing room, but close enough to hear clearly.

5 Open a topic everyone can talk.

The safest bet in a conversation is a common basis. Peeves provide snacks for a good time, because everyone has them. You could start with me, the story of one of your pets and annoy people are safe to enter

These conversations tend to make everyone laugh and really enjoy the conversation. A sense ofCamaraderie forms and also allows everyone to speak freely, what great fun.

These five tips can help anyone learn how to start a conversation better. You all or only selected one or two you really want. Test to see how well everyone works for you. Knowing in advance what you want to say that you can help, simply nervous about a situation.

Keep these five tips to begin the conversation, your mind will definitely help you to better respond to the art ofCommunication.

Conversation starters, as if by magic

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Saturday 6 August 2011

How to lose 10 pounds in a week - 8 Proven tips that helped me to lose 10 pounds in one week

!±8± How to lose 10 pounds in a week - 8 Proven tips that helped me to lose 10 pounds in one week

I needed to lose weight for my wedding. I lost 13 pounds the first week, and 10 pounds for the second. This is a rather short period to lose weight, and not very healthy, I know. However, this rapid weight loss success for a kick-start my weight loss journey, and I was motivated to maintain weight loss, then natural, healthy methods. I'm going to every single step I have followed for the second week I lost 10 pounds in 7 per shareDays.

Please note that the extremely fast weight loss is not healthy.

Here are the steps I followed after the first 7 days to lose 10 pounds in one week:

1) First, I had a detox day - to clean my body and lose weight even faster. I was preparing a mixed drink lemon juice, ginger and honey with water, and drank the beverage during the day detoxification. Whenever he is hungry, I drank. I felt good, as I usually do, no cramps, no lack of energy, nothing. It was not difficultall, and I'm sure that has increased my weight loss results. I know some people, the whole week of detoxification, but it's nothing for me.

2) I have limited the amount of food, because I really need to weight lose quickly. I had a lot of vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, and some fruits (especially apples and pears). My new rule of the food was that half of the plate should be vegetables (just trying to avoid the potatoes too), ¼ of the plate - white meat or fish, and the rest is the fruit (not bananasbecause they are too sweet and starchy foods). I know that eating less is not always an option for sustained weight loss. But it is certainly an option for a quick weight loss, and that `s what my goal was. A simple way to reduce the amount of food is to get a smaller flat. However, less food was pretty difficult, I admit. But I reached my goal and I am so happy now.

3) I have two apples, a can of beans blacks to my daily diet. I had the beans as my main meal, or split into two smaller mealsand they had vegetables on the side. This is a trick to say that no diet. It works wonders on loads with 35 grams of fiber in a weight loss diet really. These fibers cleanse the digestive tract and improves digestion.

4) I started to have breakfast, and stopped to eat at night. 7:00 clock was the last time of the day when I had my dinner. Breakfast strengthened my metabolism and it helped me burn calories faster, even though I thought could never be so important to weight loss. It 'wasexcites me. I'm at least 10 glasses of water a day, and I still do - the water cleanses the body, increases the metabolic rate, and not leave you feeling hungry.

5) I have spread my habitual use of calories during the day. I started eating 5 small meals a day are sometimes. In this way, I never had to go hungry.

6) I have little fat, sweet and not so healthy food, and if I have to eat something unhealthy I felt I took the first meal of the day. WhyThe metabolism is higher in the morning and evening, and let me eat a donut or an ice cream, if every few days.

7) Instead of drinking the juice, I had a fresh fruit at any time. Juice is too sweet for weight loss, if you `re thirsty to drink water or green tea without sugar.

8) I have motivated and kept me busy all the time. I know that if you `re busy, time to go to the kitchen. This works wonders.

This plan sounds too easy to lose 10 pounds in one week- But you follow this religiously and you'll see real results.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week - 8 Proven tips that helped me to lose 10 pounds in one week

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Friday 5 August 2011

How to make your boyfriend happy - the only thing we have to do only one thing you must avoid

!±8± How to make your boyfriend happy - the only thing we have to do only one thing you must avoid

"How do you make your boyfriend happy?"

However, you may ask, finally, the question that was asked of women from the four corners of the world. If it's your first long-term, serious relationship, or is 15, you want it to be satisfactory and meets for you and your friend.

After all, if you only think about how you can be happy in the relationship and you're pushing your husband must be the page, it's just a matter ofTime to go first.

Now here's the bad news - ask your friend who will be happy does not cut it. Why? That's why - men are not emotional beings. They are sex, the raw numbers and facts, rather than use their instincts and "gut feeling" when dealing with different situations.

This is precisely why we ask you not to immediately. They have difficulty dealing with their feelings ... let alone put into words! But this does not mean that there is nothingcan do about it.

Through thousands of polls and interviews with the help of psychologists and doctors report, after all, was to find out what is the number one thing a man is depicted in a report.

How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - One thing you have A Girlfriend
I think this is simple - a happy girl keeps a friend happy.

You read that right. If you show your husband, how happy you are his friend, he will. NOTyour appearance or your openness about sex (even if these two still do not care). And 'in the final analysis, how you behave when you are together. For a man is his formula to measure how rewarding a relationship, when his friend complimented him smiling, if he is there, etc.

How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - What should I avoid like the plague
In this sense, there is one thing that is avoided at all costs ... Nag.

Grumble if you make a single mistake and meaningless show thatYou do not know who he is and understand that you are not happy with him. No wonder it annoying is the fastest and most deadly killers of a man's love and concern for a woman.

By the way, did you know that many women their lives and relationships harder than they should be, not important to learn the basics of how men view love, connection, attraction and relationships?

How to make your boyfriend happy - the only thing we have to do only one thing you must avoid

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Wednesday 3 August 2011

Chanel Logo Earrings - How and where to buy

!±8± Chanel Logo Earrings - How and where to buy

The Chanel logo earrings field, as with other Chanel brand fashion and perfume products are known for the distinctive logo design, Chanel. This construction by an interlocking double-C is made, is C directs the second face on the back. The full name derives from the double C Chanel, "Coco Chanel", although less frequently now with your full name.

There are many products that bear the famous Chanel mark, for example, earrings and jewelry, sunglasses, watches,and perfumes. The Chanel logo design is perfect earrings for their area in particular. The Chanel logo is itself a work of art, attractive, elegant and simple, so why not use because the focus of their jewelry sector? Unfortunately, the area has changed over the years and now includes earrings and jewelry, which is seen by some as "small" and too complicated, less easy on the logo. In fact, browsing the latest online catalog is apparently not allTraditional Double C earrings.

In addition, there are many fake Chanel products sold online, especially from China and Vietnam, Thailand, designed for buyers think they buy merchandise are authentic Chanel makeup. It can be a real new Chanel product is not to find at discounted prices - there's an easy way to say, of course. If you keep a new product Chanel in mind that you must pay full price for this quality. If you try to sell someoneChanel logo earrings alleged new to an incredibly low price, it is very likely that they are selling fakes, and you will see later that the product quality is not comparable.

However, if your heart on the Chanel logo earrings then do not despair - there are a number of solutions. One of the joys of the Internet is the ability to produce and store catalogs from around the world to see, quickly and easily. Access to this global market, you can always find ChanelLogo earrings, bags and other products that are sold by their current owners, possibly at significant discounts when compared to prices from Chanel. This also means you can be in a position of older design, you might be looking.

Chanel Logo Earrings - How and where to buy

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