Monday 15 August 2011

The effects of chocolate on emotions

!±8± The effects of chocolate on emotions

And 'common belief that chocolate is a mood elevator, although some people believe it causes headaches and migraines. Although it is generally accepted that chocolate affects our moods, the research on this still in liquid form. Each case is highly controversial. We discuss various ways that chocolate affects our moods and emotions, according to the current belief.

Chocolate affects us both negatively and positively. Some people, when they are sad ordepressed, experience a desire for chocolate. To eat chocolate that report that their mood is elevated and they feel better. This elevation in mood is temporary though and when the effect wears off, they returned to their previous state of mind.

Be attributed There are many health benefits of chocolate. And 'good for the heart. Increases the reactivity of blood vessels, which is useful for the prevention of heart disease. It also increases glucose tolerance.Chocolate also contains some substances that have an antioxidant effect. This is helpful in preventing cancer.

Chocolate is reported to cause headaches, obesity, rectal itching, heartburn, and emotional problems, such as irritability, confusion, anger and depression.

Chocolate is rich in carbohydrates, which increase the speed reaches, with the tryptophan in the brain. This increases the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates moods, creating a good feeling.

Thedependency properties of chocolate is also well documented. This is supported by the fact that some people when they try to abstain from alcohol, chocolate, to satisfy their cravings covered. This drug properties similar to caffeine, Anand amines, phenylethylamine and magnesium that are attributed to chocolate. The presence of caffeine and magnesium can contribute to a feeling of desire for chocolate. Ananadmides effects on the brain similar to marijuana, although research in this areastill under discussion.

There are over 350 chemicals in chocolate. Some of them can cause allergic reactions. Some scientists believe that phenylethylamine and theobromine could cause changes in mood. Phenylethylamine causes blood pressure and blood sugar to rise. It creates a feeling of alertness and contentment thus creating a feeling of wellbeing. But there was a brief period of high emotional over a period of low emotional intelligence is followed. Theobromine is found naturally in cocoaand acts as anti-depressants, but was known to be poisonous animals.

Eating chocolate can also lead to a feeling of fear. Phenylethylamine is said extension causes the blood vessels in the brain causing headaches. Although it is still questionable whether phenylethylamine reaches the brain.

An ounce of chocolate contains 20 mg of caffeine. Studies on the effects of caffeine have reported that caffeine can cause sleep problems, agitation, irritability, heartburn andFear. Headache caused by caffeine withdrawal, and fatigue.

Tyramine is another amino acid found in chocolate. It is uncertain whether a significant amount of tyramine reaches the brain, but it is known that causes blood vessels to expand and contract, causing severe headaches.

Women seem to want chocolate more than men, including diabetics. Some of these women reported that only chocolate and nothing could satisfy his craving. The presence ofMagnesium in chocolate can be for the fact that during the PMS (post-menstrual syndrome) increases the craving for chocolate in women, because in this period, a magnesium deficiency can occur accounts.

With all these conflicting information on the effects of chocolate on mood, you have to watch from their own experience and decide if the chocolate is right for one. But certainly, a large amount of chocolate are physically or emotionally effect one way or another.

The effects of chocolate on emotions

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